Abstract Submission

Update: new abstract submission date!

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to October 25th, 2024


Abstract acceptance is OPEN from April 10th until September 30th, 2024 October 25th, 2024

In order to submit an Abstract on IberoMS2024 platform, you need to set up an account first. Create it by entering your email address and following the steps at www.iberoms2024.com/registration

Instructions for abstract submission:

1. Select a Scientific Session, according to your research topic.

2. In order to register co-authors, you must provide their full names, email addresses and affiliations, as well as yours.

3. Fill out the abstract form in English on the website after registering for the event. The form requires:
     a. Title – max. 150 characters
     b. Authors – max. 15 authors
     c. Affiliations for all authors
     d. Abstract body
             i. Introduction  – max. 800 characters
             ii. Methods – max. 900 characters
             iii. Results / Preliminary data – max. 900 characters
             iv. Conclusion / Novelty – max. 500 characters
     e. Keywords – max. 5 words
     f. Acknowledgment – max. 150 characters
     g. References – max. 2

4. Review the content before proceeding. Abstracts with incorrect filling will be notified for corrections.

Pay attention!

Presenters are fully responsible for the content of the abstracts and posters (authors, graphics, etc.). The abstract must be in English, as it is the official language of the conference. Small inconsistencies and minor formatting mistakes may be corrected by the scientific committee without prior notice (i.e. typos). The scientific area of choice for submission of the abstract may be changed by the organizing committee. In this case, authors will be informed.

Evaluation Criteria

● While each participant can only present one abstract, they can be named as a co-author on others.

● Each abstract should contribute novel insights to the field of mass spectrometry.

● Every abstract from a single research group must have a distinct difference. Repetition of the same results in multiple presentations is not allowed.

● The uniqueness of your research is a key factor in the abstract reviewing process.

● Your abstract should contain enough results to accurately depict the experiments that will be showcased.

If you have any questions, please contact: scientific@iberoms2024.com

Posters Sessions

  • Ambient Ionization MS
  • Bioinformatic, Chemometrics Tools and Data Analysis 
  • Cancer Research
  • Chemical Ecology, Environment, and Agriculture 
  • Clinical Research
  • Elemental Analysis and ICP-MS
  • Food Research and Nutrition
  • Forensic Analysis, Doping & Toxicology 
  • Petroleomics and other Fuels
  • Gas Phase Ion Chemistry, Thermodynamics, and Reaction Mechanism
  • Imaging MS
  • Industrial applications
  • Instrumentation, Fundamentals, and Workflows
  • Metabolomics/Lipidomics/Glycomics/Phenomics
  • Microbiology
  • Multiomics and Systems Biology
  • Natural Products
  • Sample preparation and separation techniques
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Proteomics and Peptidomics 
  • Sportomics
  • Miscellaneous (if your topic truly does not fit in any other topic session)

Printed Poster Instructions

A research poster should summarize the research information concisely and attractively. Each poster should be 90 cm width by 120 cm height (portrait view). Important information should be readable from 2 meters away. Larger posters will not be exposed.

Your poster must have the following: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results / Preliminary data, Conclusion / Novelty, Acknowledgments & Funding, and References.

For poster fixation:

  • Small hooks will be made available for poster attachment at the exposition area. We strongly recommend the choice of a poster with fixation cords included. Fixation tapes could also be used.
  • The board to affix the poster will have an identification code that will be supplied to each accepted abstract. Authors must obey the correct board/code to hang the poster.
  • Posters must be removed by the author, according to the schedule program. The organizing committee will not be responsible for posters not removed on time.

Pay attention!

There should be only ONE presenting author. If not, proceeding to the next step will not be allowed. The poster will be under the author's full responsibility. Any misprintings, damages, or losses will NOT be covered by the Congress Organization.

IBERO MS 2024 - Poster Instructions


Key points for a well-designed poster Keep the layout organized and clean to facilitate communication. Intentional use of graphics, color, and fonts can also help. We also encourage you to separate the text by bullets, numbering, and headings to facilitate hierarchical reading.

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