Plenaries & Speakers


Karina Cardozo

Fleury Group,

Dr. Karina Cardozo is a Senior Scientific Manager in R&D at Grupo Fleury, with 17 years of experience in clinical diagnostics. She holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of São Paulo (USP) and conducted part of her doctoral research at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) and the University of Bristol (UK). She leads teams in developing diagnostic methodologies using chromatography and mass spectrometry, driving innovation and the adoption of new technologies to meet clinical and patient needs.

Unlocking Productivity with Mass Spectrometry in Clinical Diagnostics

Robert Cody

Jeol Ltd

Dr. Robert B. (Chip) Cody received his Ph.D. from Purdue University in 1982 under the direction of Prof. Ben S, Freiser. After graduate school, he worked at Nicolet Instruments developing methods for Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry until 1989 when he joined JEOL USA, Inc. where he is presently Principal Scientist. Among other achievements, Dr. Cody is responsible for developing the trapped-ion tandem-in-time MS/MS and MSn techniques, laser-desorption FTICR, and is coinventor of the DART ion source. He served as Vice-President for Arrangements for the American Society of Mass Spectrometry and was awarded the 2011 Anachem Award and a 2012 Purdue University Distinguished Alumni Award. He has over 100 publications and several patents, edited (with Marek Domin of Boston College) the book Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry, and is author of the Mass Mountaineer software suite. If you’re interested in a bit of mass spec history, see the featured link to a personal perspective on developing the trapped-ion MSn method.

21 Years Later: Are DART and Ambient Ionization All Grown Up?

Alex Dickens

University of Turku, FIN

Alex Dickens a Research Council of Finland Fellow and the leader of the Neurometabolomics group at Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku. He is also the head of the Turku Centre for Chemical and Molecular Analytics (CCMA), Department of Chemistry and the Co-PI of the Turku Metabolomics Centre with Matej Orešič. He obtained his DPhil from the University of Oxford in 2013 in NMR metabolomics. He then completed two post-doctoral research positions. First in the Turku PET Centre, where he was investigating new tracers for neuroinflammation. Secondly, he went to Johns Hopkins School of Medicine where he worked extensively setting up MS based methods for lipidomics. He then joined the Orešič group in Turku. His current research group focuses on developing new MS based methods for the detection of a wide range of metabolites and then applying these to see metabolism changes following brain injury or development. It particularly focuses on how the endocannabinoid system can act as long range signaling molecules between the brain and periphery

Development of new mass spectrometry based methods for large cohort studies to understand the complexity of novel conjugation in humans

Livia S. Eberlin

Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Livia Schiavinato Eberlin was born and raised in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. Her passion for mass spectrometry (MS) started as an undergraduate research assistant at the Thomson Laboratory of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). As an undergrad, she visited the Aston Laboratory at Purdue University to also pursue undergraduate research in MS. She received her B.S. in Chemistry from UNICAMP in 2007 and then moved to the USA in 2008 to start a PhD program in Analytical Chemistry at Purdue University under the mentorship of Prof. R. Graham Cooks.

During her PhD, Livia developed and applied ambient ionization MS imaging to human cancer diagnosis. In recognition of her innovative PhD work, Livia received many awards including the Nobel Laureate Signature Award from the American Chemical Society. In 2012, she started her postdoctoral work at Stanford University under the guidance of Prof. Richard N. Zare, where she continued to develop MS technology for biomedical research. During that time, she received the L’Oréal for Women in Science Fellowship, a K99 pathway to independence award from the NIH/NCI, and was listed in the Forbes 30 under 30 list in Science and Healthcare. In 2016, Livia started her independent career as an Assistant Professor in the Chemistry Department at the University of Texas at Austin. Since then, Livia and her group have received several recognitions for their research. In 2018, Livia was named a Sloan Research Fellow, a Moore Inventor Fellow, and a MacArthur Fellow.

Title of Talk coming soon​

Marcos Eberlin

MackMass Laboratory Mackenzie
University – BRA

Dr. Marcos N. Eberlin is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and holds a PhD in chemistry from the University of Campinas in Brazil. After posdoctoral work at Purdue University (USA), he founded the ThoMSon Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, growing it into a highly distinguished lab and supervising some 200 graduate and pos-doctoral students, scientists who today work as researchers and professionals all around the globe. The former president of the International Mass Spectrometry foundation (IMSF), the current president of the Brazilian societies of Intelligent Design (TDI BRASIL) and Mass Spectrometry (BrMASS), and winner of the prestigious Thomson medal (2016), Eberlin is recognized wordwide as one of the most productive mass spectrometrists and brazilian chemists ever, having published close to 1,000 scientific articles in many different applications of MS.

New applications of the masSpec pen: to infinity and beyond

Jennifer Geddes-McAlister

University of Guelph

Dr. Jennifer Geddes-McAlister is Canada Research Chair, Associate Professor and Director of the Bioinformatics Graduate Program in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology of the University of Guelph – Canada.

Her keen interest in scientific research and academics began during her undergraduate degree at the University of Lethbridge, where she investigated the impact of fungal pathogens on agricultural development and performed her first proteomics experiments. This amazing experience led to a PhD in the laboratory of Dr. Jim Kronstad at UBC, where she applied quantitative proteomics to comprehensively profile the cellular proteome and secretome of the fungal pathogen, Cryptococcus neoformans. Her fascination with mass spectrometry-based proteomics and pathogenesis provided the foundation for a postdoctoral fellowship supported by NSERC and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Matthias Mann at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Munich, Germany. During her postdoc, she combined her expertise in microbiology and proteomics with experimental systems immunology to profile the interplay between Salmonella and its host during infection. At the University of Guelph, her research group is blending cutting-edge proteomics technologies with a systems biology perspective to explore host-pathogen interactions.

Proteomics of Fungal Disease in One Health

Boniek Gontijo

Federal University of Goias

Boniek Gontijo graduated in Chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos (2007), got his masters and PhD in chemistry from the University of Campinas (2009, 2011). He is currently Associate Professor at the Federal University of Goiás, General Secretary of ALAGO – The Latin America Association for Organic Geochemistry since 2018, and Associate Editor of the journal Química Nova. He coordinates the Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory – LaCEM at IQ/UFG, where he works in several lines of research in the field of mass spectrometry: i) Petroleum and Petroleomics – comprehensive characterization of petroleum, derivatives, and related products; ii) Organic Geochemistry – use of polar compounds to understand geochemical processes; iii) Ambient Ionization Sources – instrumental development and applications; iv) Chemical Imaging – development of protocols and applications to assess the spatial distribution of molecular targets in different matrices and surfaces.

Turning Out Insights from Complex (Bio)(Geo)chemical Systems Through Mass Spectrometry

Ron M.A. Heeren

Maastricht Multimodal Molecular
Imaging Institute – NLD

Prof. Dr. Ron M.A. Heeren obtained a PhD degree in technical physics in 1992 at the University of Amsterdam on plasma-surface interactions. He was the research group leader at FOM-AMOLF for macromolecular ion physics and biomolecular imaging mass spectrometry in the period 1995-2015. In 2001 he was appointed professor at the chemistry faculty of Utrecht University lecturing on the physical aspects of biomolecular mass spectrometry. In 2014 he was appointed as distinguished professor and Limburg Chair at the University of Maastricht. He is scientific director of M4I, the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging institute and heads the division of imaging MS. He was awarded the prestigious 2019 Physics Valorization prize by the Dutch organization for scientific Research, NWO, and the Thomson Medal in 2022. His academic research interests are mass spectrometry based personalized medicine, translational molecular imaging research, high-throughput bioinformatics and the development and validation of new mass spectrometry based metabolomic imaging techniques for the life sciences.

Imaging mass spectrometry in spatial biology: from cells to tissue

Albert Lebedev

Shenzhen MSU-BIT University - CHI

Dr. Albert Lebedev, (PhD and DSc – Organic Chemistry), now is a Professor of the Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, China, Head of the Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Research Laboratory, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, President of the Russian Society for Mass Spectrometry, board member and Past President of the European Association of Chemistry and Environment. He got his Masters, PhD and DSc in organic chemistry at the Lomonosov Moscow State University for 25 years being a Professor of that University. He is a recipient of the Sate award of Russian Federation in science and technology, being a specialist in organic, analytical and bioanalytical mass spectrometry. He gave over 200 presentations at the International Conferences, published several books and manuals, including “Organic mass spectrometry”, “Environmental mass spectrometry”, “Mass spectrometry of peptides and proteins”. In 2023 he moved with his laboratory to Shenzhen MSU-BIT University in China. Currently Prof. Albert Lebedev’ researches focus on the top-down proteomics, environmental sciences, drinking water preparation, expertise of art exhibits.

Mass spectrometry in the studies of disinfection by-products during drinking water preparation

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Alejandra Rodriguez

Alejandra Rodriguez

Un. Republic of Uruguay

Alejandra Rodriguez-Haralambides holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Florida (USA), and a Master’s Degree in Chemistry from Universidad de la República Uruguay.
She is currently an Adjunct Professor of Bioanalytical Chemistry at Universidad de la República Uruguay. Her research group is located at the Polo Tecnológico de Pando-Facultad de Química, which has the mission of helping bridge the gap between academia and industry. Her main field of research is in analytical chemistry and industrial and analytical applications of green chemistry with the lines of work “Traceability and Food Safety”, “Green chemistry and sustainability”, and “Chemical Profiles, Characterization and Metabolism of Bioactive Substances” using chromatographic separations and mass spectrometry as main tools.

Analytical Strategies for the Screening of Veterinary Drug Residues in Foods

Leonardo Silva Santos

Talca University, CHI

Dr. Santos is titular professor of Universidad de Talca (Chile), director of PhD Program in Chemistry, and was director of Nanobiotechnology division of Fraunhofer Chile Research from 2011-2017. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPAQ), with headquarters in La Haya, Holland, recognized Dr. Santos by his interest expressed in the development of chemistry for peaceful purposes. Dr. Santos has published more than 140 articles and 9 patents (2 of them applied in wine industry are in licensing agreement). He is one of the founders of the Brazilian Mass Spectrometry Society and member of honor of the Argentinian Mass Spectrometry Society. His work in the field of mechanism of reactions by mass spectrometry in solutions allowed him to publish a book from Wiley entitled “Reactive Intermediates – MS Investigations in Solution”. Much of the activity of his research is directed at discovering new ways to make and identify complex molecules and study them. His scientific interests in MS are focused on fundamental and applied chemistry to the development and optimization of analytical techniques based on mass spectrometry for organic intermediates and biomarkers` detection. This includes the development of new catalysts and the study of mechanistic pathways involving organometallic intermediates through MS experiments. Merging natural products chemistry, chemical synthesis and reaction mechanisms using MS, these principles form the foundation for Dr. Santos’ research and educational programs.

Development of New Asymmetric Catalysts by Online ESI-MS Screening and MS Applications

Alessandra Tata

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale
Delle Venezie, ITA

Alessandra Tata is an Italian pharmacist who loves ambient mass spectrometry. She earned her PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Rome. During her PhD internship in 2008 at Purdue University she learnt the principles of ambient mass spectrometry from Prof. Graham R. Cooks. In 2011 she joined Prof. Marcos N. Eberlin lab at the University of Campinas. In 2014 she earned a postdoctoral FAPESP fellowship for international exchange that allowed her to join Prof. Demian R. Ifa lab at York University (Toronto, CAN). In 2015 she joined Zarrine Afsar’ lab at University of Toronto (CAN) to set up a method for the localization of tumor margins and tumor heterogeneity by DESI-MS Imaging. Since 2020 she is a researcher of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, an Italian public health institute that conducts control and research activities and provides services in the fields of animal health, food safety and zoonoses. Since then she has being working on the development, validation and application in routine of non-targeted methods by ambient mass spectrometry for the authentication of food commodities and the early diagnosis of animal metabolic disorders supporting food companies and farms of the zootechnical breeding sector.

Ambient Mass Spectrometry in food authentication: from proof of concept studies to standardized routine analysis

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Peter Verhaert

Peter Verhaert

ProteoFormiX, BE

MSc in Zoology & PhD in Comparative Neurobiology [Leuven University Belgium; 1987], where he is associate professor Mass Spectrometry Histochemistry (MSHC) at Faculty of Medicine (Dept. of Imaging & Pathology). With Peptides in Biology as common theme in his >40 years of research, he is recognized worldwide as one of the pioneers in Peptidomics. Founder & CSO/CEO of ProteoFormiX ( at JLABS@BE [J&J Innovation Center Belgium; 2017. Peter co-organized a track “Spatial Mass Spectrometry” at MSACL-2024 in Monterey (CA, USA) covering mass spectrometry imaging applications in medicine.

AP/MALDI MS Imaging of histological sections of (human) FFPE material from tissue banked archives: more than expected!

Arash Zarrine-Afsar

University of Toronto,

Arash Zarrine-Afsar is trained (Canada and Switzerland) as a physical biochemist with interest in the development of various spectroscopic and spectrometric methods to understand the dynamics of biological systems, in particular transition to the disease state. He is currently Principal Investigator at University Health Network and leads a group of researchers focused on development of rapid diagnostic methods using mass spectrometry. He holds a position at the rank of Assistant Professor with the Department of Surgery and Graduate Department of Medical Biophysics at University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine. The research in his laboratory over the past 5 years has further matured Picosecond Infrared Laser Mass Spectrometry (PIRL-MS) as a rapid pathology determination tool where 10-second laser sampling of tissue molecular content has allowed differentiation of cancer types and subtypes faster than currently possible in the standard of care. Dr. Zarrine-Afsar additionally serves as the Chief Technology Officer of Point Surgical Inc.

10-Second Lipidomic Analysis with Picosecond Infrared Laser Mass Spectrometry to Diagnose Brain Cancer Types


Marina Amaral Alves

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – BRA

Prof. Marina Amaral is an Assistant Professor at the Walter Mors Institute for Natural Products Research at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IPPN/UFRJ). She graduated as a Pharmacist from the Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) at UFRJ in 2010. She holds a Master’s degree (2012) and a Ph.D. (2017) in Chemistry from the Institute of Chemistry at UFRJ, specializing in Medicinal Chemistry. She worked as a Researcher (2016-2019) at LADETEC-IQ/UFRJ in the area of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, with an emphasis on doping control analysis and metabolomics. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship (2019-2021) at the University of Turku (UTU), Finland, focusing on the application of Metabolomics and Lipidomics in biomedical research. Her main research area involve the applications of Metabolomics and Lipidomics by chromatography and mass spectrometry in integrative biomedical research, particularly in understanding metabolic phenotypes in health and disease for the implementation of personalized medicine.

More Information Soon

Rodinei Augusti

Federal Un. Minas Gerais - BRA

PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Dortmund Universität (Germany) in 1994, he joined UFSM in 1994 and has been a Full Professor since 2014. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Pesticide Residue Analysis (LARP) and the Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Research Center (CPCEM) with a focus on residues and contaminants. Member of the CNPq Chemistry Advisory Committee (2020-2023) and the Fapergs Board of Directors (2017-2022). Current President Director of the Science and Technology Support Foundation (FATEC), and member of the BRMASS Scientific Committee since 2018. President of the Red de Analises de La Calidad Ambiental en América Latina (RACAL) and member of the Extended Executive Committee of the International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC) since 2013. Vice-coordinator of the National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT) in Food Analytical Chemistry. CNPq Research Productivity Fellow level 1B, author of more than 210 articles and 17 book chapters, with 4400 citations and h-index 36. Supervisor of 49 master’s and 29 doctoral studies. Associate editor of Food Analytical Methods.

Sandpaper mass spectrometry: a novel ambient ionization technique applicable to the analysis of polishable surfaces

Paulo Barci

Bayer Crop Science - BRA

Paulo Barci is the GLP Residue Study Director at the Latin America Food and Environmental Safety Laboratory at Bayer CropScience. His responsibilities include method development and validation using HPLC-MS/MS for pesticide residues and environmental studies (relevant matrices for bees and soil), as well as managing pesticide residue studies for regulatory purposes in Latin America. These studies are required by authorities in the regulatory processes for various pesticide formulations in the region. Paulo joined Bayer CropScience in 2023, but he has been working in the pesticide residues area since 2015 with various companies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Federal Fluminense University (UFF) obtained in 2017, a Master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) in 2018, and is currently a PhD candidate in Science (Analytical Chemistry) at the University of São Paulo (USP-IQSC).

Challenges and Solutions in Pesticide Residue Regulatory Studies

Celso Blatt

Agilent – BRA

Graduation in Industrial Chemistry from UFSM Santa Maria, RS. Master and PhD in Analytical Chemistry from USP, SP. Researcher in analytical instrumentation at Instrumentos Científicos CG Ltda – SP from 1987 to 1992. Support engineer and then applications scientist at Hewlett Packard/Agilent Technologies Brasil from 1992 to today.

Use of hydrogen as a carrier gas in GC/MS, advantages and disadvantages

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Maciej Bromirski

Maciej Bromirski

Thermofisher – USA

Maciej has over 25 years of experience in mass spectrometry starting as an undergraduate student with late Prof. Ken Standing at the Physics Department at University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. Upon completion of his graduate studies on IR & UV vacuum MALDI Q-TOF prototype MS with first oral presentation at ASMS and publications back in 1999, Maciej undertook various roles and responsibilities with different Mass Spec vendors. Since 2010 to present-day, Maciej has been fully dedicated to new product introductions and marketing developments of Q Exactive and Orbitrap Exploris series MS with Thermo Fisher Scientific.

In his free time, Maciej enjoys sky-running with his dog Milky Way, painting most often oil on canvas and when the winds allow a fun sailing day on a near-by lake with his friends and family.

The latest solutions for water quality and environmental safety with the TriPlus EQuan 850 system and Orbitrap Exploris 120 mass spectrometer

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Oscar Vega Bustillos

Oscar Vega Bustillos

Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research – BRA

Graduated in Physics from the University of São Paulo IFUSP (1977). Master’s degree in Nuclear Technology from the Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research IPEN/USP (1981). PhD from Trent University Canada and USP (1996). Specialization in chemical weapons verification certified by the Finnish Institute VERIFIN (1997). Researcher, advisor and professor of the mass spectrometry and group theory course in the IPEN postgraduate program. Specialized in the physical chemistry of ions in the gas phase and mass spectrometry. Professor of differential and integral calculus at UNIBAN. Researcher of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds at the ATTO tower at the Amazonas State University (UEA). Current coordinator of the laboratory for isotopic separation of Lithium via ion exchange at the Center for Chemistry and Environment (CEQMA/IPEN). Published several scientific articles in the areas of nuclear energy, environment, and pesticides via mass spectrometry. Author of several books on mass spectrometry, gas chromatography and mathematics. Member of the “Red para el Análisis de la Calidad Ambiental en América Latina” RACAL and the Brazilian Society of Mass Spectrometry BRMASS.

A method for microplastic quantitation in estuarine sediment using PY-GC/MS

Oscar G. Cabrices

G-Flo Scientific - Consulting & Biotechnology, USA

Oscar Cabrices is an accomplished professional with over 10 years of experience in business development, scientific research, and public speaking. He holds a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of South Carolina and a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Florida International University. Currently serving as the CEO and Founder of G-Flo Scientific, Oscar focuses on delivering life science technologies for emergency response, agricultural safety, and clinical diagnostics. He is also a Reserve Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard, with certifications in boat operations and language interpretation. Fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, Oscar has led strategic business initiatives across the Americas and received numerous awards for his contributions to the field.

Breaking Boundaries: Advancing Forensic Analysis with Miniature Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry

Luiz Cláudio Cameron

University Health Network, CA

More Information Soon

From Microcosm to Macrocosm, from Sportomics to Translational Medicine

Henrique Caracho


Bachelor’s degree in chemistry, Master in Analytical Chemistry from University of Campinas, and PhD in Sciences from Unicamp, with a Doctoral stay at the University of Turku (Finland) in mass spectrometry area, particularly in metabolomics and lipidomics. The main research interests focus on metabolomics data analysis using open-access platforms, integration of omics data, and bioinformatics classification methods using R, especially systems biology methodologies aimed at aiding the diagnosis and understanding of diseases based on biochemical changes caused by different conditions in the human body. Currently is a postdoctoral researcher at Örebro University (Sweden) working in systems medicine, using metabolomics to predict outcomes resulting from traumatic brain injuries

Drug-naïve multigroup differentiation of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia patients using machine learning applied to metabolomics data

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Zenilda de Lourdes Cardeal

Zenilda de Lourdes Cardeal

Federal Un. Minas Gerais - BRA

Zenilda de Lourdes Cardeal holds a Master’s in Analytical Chemistry from UNICAMP (1988), PhD in Science-Chemistry from Université de Paris XI (Paris, France,1993) and has done a postdoctoral stage at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia, 2005) with Prof. Philip Marriot. She is currently a full professor of analytical chemistry at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and the coordinator of the Research Centre for Advanced Chromatography (RMCA- She is a 2D-level CNPq research productivity fellow working on the development of methods for analyzing organic compounds at the trace level. His research work is focused on the following topics: environmental analysis, food analysis, toxicological analysis, metabolomics, gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC), solid phase microextraction (SPME), liquid phase microextraction with hollow fiber (HF-LPME) and passive sampling.

Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Thiago Carita Correra

Thiago Carita Correra

University of São Paulo - BRA

Thiago Carita Correra is an associate professor at the Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo. His research focuses on studying chemical reactions in solution using advanced mass spectrometry techniques, particularly infrared ion spectroscopy (IRIS) and ion mobility spectrometry (IMS). His work encompasses the evaluation of the reactivity of species of synthetic and biological interest, including metal-based catalysts, organocatalysts, drugs, and their metabolites. He holds a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (2013) and an undergraduate degree (summa cum laude) in Chemistry from the University of São Paulo (2008). He has also conducted postdoctoral research at the University of São Paulo and Université Paris-Sud (2013-2014).

Understanding Polymer Formation using Ion Mobility and Ion Spectroscopy

Victor Castro-Alves

Örebro University, SE

Victor Castro-Alves holds a PhD in Food Science from the University of São Paulo and began as postdoctoral researcher in Analytical Chemistry at Örebro University, Sweden, in 2019, joining the Metabolomics Lab led by Professor Tuulia Hyötyläinen. Since 2021, he has been a researcher at the Man-Technology-Environment Research Center and the Responsive Nutrition Research Center, both at Örebro University. Victor currently coordinates a Starting Grant from the Swedish Research Council and other projects focused on developing and applying mass spectrometry-based approaches to investigate the interplay between food composition and human health. His leadership in foodomics projects includes studying the composition of plants grown in space at the International Space Station, designing dietary fibers with enhanced functionality, and examining changes in plant metabolism during production and human digestion to explore impacts of production on food biological functionality.

More Information Soon

José Luiz da Costa


Dr. Jose Luiz da Costa holds a degree in Biochemistry Pharmacy (2001), a master’s in Toxicology (2004), a PhD in Analytical Chemistry (2008), and a postdoc at NIDA-NIH (2013-2014). He earned his Livre-docência from UNICAMP (2022). Former forensic expert at São Paulo’s Criminalistics Institute and President of SBTox, he is now an Associate Professor at UNICAMP and Executive Coordinator of the Toxicological Assistance Center. His research focuses on toxicological analysis, particularly mass spectrometry, earning him the 2021 TIAFT Achievement Award.

What Can Mass Spectrometry Reveal About K-Drugs? Exploring Analytical Approaches for Forensic Identification

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Anna Clara Couto

Anna Couto


Anna Couto graduated in Biotechnology from the University of São Paulo (USP) works with Analytical Chemistry in the Chemistry Institute from University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Her research focus is in chemical characterization of pyrolytic bio-oil from various brasilian biomasses using comprehensive gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.

Chemical characterization of pyrolytic bio-oil from lignocellulosic biomass residues using GCxGC-HRMS

Rosa Erra-Balsells

University of Buenos Aires - ARG

Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Research Member (superior) of CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technological Research), Argentina. Editor–in Chief of the journal of the Argentine Chemical Society (AQA). She has been Vice-president and President of the Argentine Society of Research in Organic Chemistry (SAIQO) and of the Mass Spectrometry Argentine Society (SAEM). She is member of the Academy of Sciences of Latinoamerica (ACAL). Her research focus on Organic Photochemistry and Mass Spectrometry. In the latter field she worked particularly in (i) UV-MALDI-MS developing new matrices (nor-harmane and other b-carbolines; Z-sinapinic acid and other Z-substituted cinnamic acids) and (ii) picoPPESI-MS for single cell analysis.

Title of Talk coming soon​

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Leandro Wand Hantao

Leandro Wang Hantao


Prof. Leandro Wang Hantao is with the Institute of Chemistry, University of Campinas, in Campinas, Brazil, and the National Institute of Science and Technology in Bioanalytics (INCTBio), in Campinas, Brazil.

Title of Talk coming soon​

Jackelinne Yuka Hayashi

Federal University Of São Paulo - BRA

Jackelinne Hayashi holds a bachelor’s degree in Biomedicine from the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). While an undergraduate student, she worked on Naja kaouthia snake venom peptidomics, a project that earned her an honorable mention at the Brazilian Society of Toxinology (SBTx) Congress in 2021. In her PhD project, she is applying various proteomic tools to explore the immunological response following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, molecular biology techniques are being used to investigate variability in responses and to create a customized database

Assessing Immunological Responses to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: A Proteomic Analysis of Antibodies and Cellular Changes

Aline Klassen

Federal University of São Paulo – BRA

Assistant Professor in the Chemistry Department of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). Chemist, PhD in Science from the University of São Paulo Post-doctorate in London at Imperial College London (Section of Computational and Systems Medicine). She has experience in elemental and molecular analysis in the environmental and bioanalytical areas, involving atomic absorption spectrometry, separations techniques, metabolomics and multivariate analysis.

More Information Soon

Carlos Alberto Labate

Genetics Laboratory, Sao Paulo University - BRA

Full Professor at the Department of Genetics, USP/ESALQ since 2016, with previous roles as Associate Professor (2001) and Doctor Professor in Crop Science (1987). Director of the National Laboratory for Science and Technology of Bioethanol (CTBE/CNPEM), MCTI, and Coordinator of the Integrated PhD Program on Bioenergy (USP-UNICAMP-UNESP, 2020-2025). Appointed Head of the Department of Genetics (2024-2026). Holds a PhD from the University of Sheffield, UK, with postdoctoral research in carbon metabolism at Queen’s University, Canada.

Mass spectrometry in basic and applied Biology

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Daniel Lebre

Daniel Lebre

Center for Applied Mass Spectrometry – BRA

Graduated in Chemistry – Oswaldo Cruz University (1996) and master’s degree in Nuclear Technology (Applications) by the Institute of Nuclear and Energy Research (2000) (IPEN/USP) and PhD title at IPEN/USP (2023). Professional skills in chemistry, with emphasis on analytical chemistry, mainly in the following areas: mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, ADME, clinical chemistry, analytical method validation. and others Since 2009, I´ve been partnered and Scientific Director of CEMSA- Center for Applied Mass Spectrometry Ltd, responsible for research and development projects and coordinating projects funded by FAPESP (PIPE PIPE I and II) and FUNCET. With experience of over 24 years in mass spectrometry technique, I worked for nine years at AB Sciex in Brazil and Canada. During the living and working experience in Canada (from 2006 to 2009), I was responsible for LC/MS applications for small molecules in the pharmaceutical, food, beverage, forensics and environmental. Also, I was responsible for sample collection, generation and interpretation of data, but mostly by the development of analytical methodologies for new MS technologies. As professor, I´ve been disseminated the knowledge and the application of mass spectrometry. I am a member of Brazilian Society of Mass Spectrometry since 2005.

Emerging Contaminants Inside the Environment – Can we remove them??

Iasmim Lima

Mackenzie Presbyterian University - BRA

Iasmim Lopes holds a Master’s degree in Applied Biology to Health from the Center for Biosciences at the Federal University of Pernambuco (CB-UFPE) and recently completed her PhD in Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (UPM). Her research focused on using omics-based approaches to identify biosignatures following SARS-CoV-2 Omicron infections. She works at the interface of medical chemistry, ambient mass spectrometry, proteomics, and metabolomics to find biomedical solutions for infectious diseases and cancer

Unlocking the Salivary Proteome: 4D-DIA Proteomics Insights into SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Infections

Pedro Gabriel C. de Lucena

Federal Rural University of Pernambuco – BRA

Pedro G. C. Lucena has a degree in Industrial Chemistry from the Federal University of Pernambuco’s Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ) and a Master’s degree in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry) from the Department of Fundamental Chemistry (DQF) at UFPE. He is currently pursuing his PhD at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE). As a member of the Petroleum, Energy, and Mass Spectrometry (PEM) Research Group, Pedro develops multivariate techniques for extracting information from petroleomic data using ESI FT-ICR MS. He also possesses programming skills, with knowledge of R, Python, Julia and SQL for data analysis and modeling.

Advanced Data Analysis and Visualization Techniques in Petroleomics for the Comparison and Differentiation of Crude Oils

Lanaia Ítala L. Maciel

Federal University of Goias – BRA

Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with an emphasis on Industrial Science from the Federal University of Goiás (2018). Master’s degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Goiás (2021). PhD in Chemistry from the Federal University of Goiás in progress, with a exchange period at Analytical BioGeoChemistry – Helmholtz Munich. Develops research at the Laboratory of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (LaCEM- UFG), with applications of Ambient Ionization Sources – Paper Spray Ionization (PSI) and Desorption Electrospray Ionization (DESI).

Quantifying Alzeimer´s Disease Biomakers with DESI-MS: A Journey from High-Dimensional Data to Simplified Approaches

Mauricio Marques

Agilent – BRA

Maurício Marques is LCMS product specialist for Agilent Technologies. His responsibilities include the development of high impact LCMS application based on marked trends and customer needs, like multiomics and biopharma applications. In his role, he works close to the customers to listen and understand their needs and how Agilent may help those customers to answer their questions with Agilent LCMS technologies. He joined Agilent in May 2013, where he served as LCMS application specialist for five years. Graduated in 1999 in Biological Sciences from Unesp – Rio Claro, he has a Master (2002) and Ph.D. (2007) degrees in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the same institution. With more than 20 years of experience in LCMS, he already worked with structural characterization of small and large molecules by LCMS as well as other biophysics technologies used in biomolecular interactions.

Unlocking metabolomics frontiers with Ion Mobility LC/Q-TOF: a journey into molecular world

Laercio Lopes Martins

Northern Fluminense State University – BRA

Laercio L. Martins has a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, majoring in industry, from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV, 2010), MSc. and a Ph.D. in Reservoir and Exploration Engineering, majoring in Petroleum Geochemistry, from the North Fluminense State University (UENF, 2013 and 2016). He is also a specialist in Climate and Energy (UENF, 2023). He was a professor of the O&G Brazilian Industry Mobilization Program (PROMINP, 2013) and at the Municipal University of Macaé (FeMASS, 2016-2017). From 2018 to 2019, he did a postdoc at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (Potsdam, Germany). From 2022 to 2023, he was a visiting professor at the Institute of Marine Sciences (LABOMAR) of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Currently, he is a geochemist at the Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering and Exploration (LENEP/UENF) and a visiting researcher at the LABOMAR/UFC. He is also a coordinator of a FAPERJ research project in Forensic Geochemistry applied to oil spills in Brazil.

Application of APPI(+) and ESI(±) FT-ICR MS to reveal geochemical information of Brazilian crude oils and spilled oils

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Paola de Azevedo Mello

Paola de Azevedo Mello

Federal University of Santa Maria – BRA

Paola A. Mello is bachelor in Industrial Chemistry and PhD in Chemistry (2011). She has a permanent position at Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil) since 2012. She has experience in analytical chemistry with the focus on atomic spectrometry – AAS, ICP OES, ICP-MS, development of sample preparation methods and speciation analysis (LC and GC-coupled techniques). She is a reviewer for more than 15 international scientific journals. She has supervised 02 PhD, 09 masters, and 50 undergraduate students. She published more than 108 peer reviewed international papers and reviews and 10 book chapters, with a 31 h-index. She is a member of the Chemistry Committee of the Rio Grande do Sul State Foundation for Research (FAPERGS) since 2017 and of the main board of the Analytical Chemistry Division of the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ), as the Director (2024-2026). She was awarded in 2020 with the Brazilian Women in Chemistry and Related Sciences Award by C&EN and CAS (ACS). Research linked to the improvement of atomic spectrometric methods to support process intensification strategies has been another issue, by developing suitable tools to the industry. In this last case, projects with the focus on chemical processes improvements (as by using alternative energies as microwaves and ultrasound) are in progress with private companies always having a list of tasks involving analytical chemistry and method development.

Mass spectrometry as a tool (also) in biomass and biofuels research: possibilities and challenges with lignocellulosic biomass and their pyrolysis bio-oils

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Carin von Mühlen

Carin von Mühlen

State University of Rio de Janeiro – BRA

Dr. Carin von Mühlen is an Associate Professor at the Rio de Janeiro State University at the Faculty of Technology in Resende -RJ, Professor of the Master and Doctorate in Environmental Engineering, Director of the Water Center, and coordinator of NeuroTEC. She holds the first PhD thesis in Brazil on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography, obtained with a sandwich PhD in Professor Philip Marriott’s Laboratory at RMIT in Melbourne, Australia. She was also a scientific consultant in Latin America with LECO Instruments.  She holds a master’s degree in sciences from USP, and a PhD in chemistry from UFRGS.  She also has a postgraduate degree in inclusive education, emphasizing global developmental disorders (GDD), and high skills from Faculdade Metropolitana. She has worked with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, environmental and petrochemical analytical chemistry, and, recently, the inclusion of neurodiversity in science and engineering. 

Are we exploring the separation speed of our multi-instrumental methods?

Brenno A. Silveira Neto

Brasilia University – BRA

Professor Brenno has his research focuses on two main areas: (i) investigating the mechanisms of multicomponent reactions and the biological applications of their derivatives; (ii) the synthesis of photoluminescent systems and bioimaging. He is currently a Full Professor at the Institute of Chemistry at the University of Brasília (UnB), where he supervises undergraduate, Master’s, and Ph.D. research projects. In 2008, he won the Petrobras Inventor Award. In 2013, he received the BMOS/RSC Young Investigator Award and was elected to the Brazilian Academy of Sciences as an Affiliate Member for 2013/2014-18. He has projects funded by various funding agencies (CNPq, FAPDF, FINATEC, among others), and his work has been featured in publications such as JOC, OBC, Chemistry, and others. He is currently an Associate Editor of RSC Advances (since 2015), Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, and serves on the Board of Chemical Society Reviews. The researcher is also a member of the GAE/DRI of CAPES (since 2016), a member of the Scientific Board of FAPDF, and a CNPq productivity fellow. He is the co-founder of KrillTech ( In 2023, he was included in Stanford/Elsevier’s list ( as one of the top 2% of the world’s most influential scientists in the field of chemistry.

Mechanistic Insights into Multicomponent Reactions via MS Analysis

Sonia Oliva


A Biochemist graduated from Universidad del Litoral (UNL), with extensive experience in quality management, auditing, and laboratory analysis. Served as Internal/External Auditor and Quality Manager in the Department of Medications and Contaminants. Has solid expertise in liquid and gas chromatography as a Laboratory Analyst. Previous roles include Clinical Monitor at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Buenos Aires (2008-2010), and Set Up Manager at Quintiles Transnational, where responsibilities involved setting up clinical trials databases and lab protocols. From 2007 to 2008, worked as a Project Manager at Gador SA Pharmaceutical Laboratory, overseeing clinical trial project management and analytical development.


Comparison of two clean-up methodologies for multi-residues of Antibiotics and Insecticides in honey: SPE type HLB vs QuEChERS Citrate

Tiago Franco de Oliveira

Federal Uni. of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre - BRA

Tiago Franco de Oliveira holds a Bachelor’s in Biomedical Sciences, a PhD in Toxicology, and completed postdoctoral studies in Toxicology. He is an Associate Professor at UFCSPA, specializing in Analytical and Forensic Toxicology. He served as Head of Pharmacoscience and Vice-coordinator of the Advanced Program in Analytical Toxicology (2019-2022), and is now coordinator of the Graduate Program in Health Sciences. Dr. Oliveira has published 80 articles and focuses on Mass Spectrometry in Toxicology, collaborating with international institutions.

From Postmortem Samples to Psychoactive Detection: Practical Mass Spectrometry Techniques and Insights

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Andreia Porcari

Andreia Porcari

San Francisco University – BRA

Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry focused on Mass Spectrometry, from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP, 2018), where she also completed the master’s degree (2012) in the same field and earned a bachelor’s degree in Technological Chemistry. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship (2022) at the Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX, USA) in Dr. Livia S. Eberlin’s group (Surgery Department), focusing on the use of ambient mass spectrometry for intraoperative cancer diagnosis. Her experience is centered on Analytical Chemistry applied to the analysis of biological materials, working on the development of diagnostic methods and the search for biomarkers for various diseases using LC-MS/MS or imaging techniques, such as DESI-MSI. She is currently a professor and researcher in the Health Sciences graduate program at the University of São Francisco.

Title of Talk coming soon​

Samira Prado

Örebro University - SE

Samira Prado has a PhD in Food Science and Experimental Nutrition from the University of São Paulo (USP, 2019). Awarded “Best Thesis” twice by USP and from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). Joined Örebro University, Sweden, in 2020 as a postdoc within Food and Health strategic profile. Since 2022, has been a researcher at the Nutrition-Gut-Brain Interactions Research Centre, a multidisciplinary research center, gaining experience in designing and coordinating dietary interventions, particularly those exploring plant-based diets and their effects on human health. Has experience in integrating “omics” approaches, such as metabolomics and metagenomics, using human, in vitro, and ex vivo samples, while considering individual responses. Coordinated an early-career mobility grant from FORMAS (Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, 2022-2023), primarily focused on nutritional gut-related metabolism. Currently is a principal investigator of a FORMAS Starting Grant (2024-2028), aiming to further understand molecular, personalized, and translational aspects of dietary shifts on health.

Metabolomics as a tool for responsive nutrition: health implications of plant-based proteins

José Manuel Riveros

São Paulo University - BRA

José Manuel Riveros, an emeritus professor of the University of São Paulo’s Institute of Chemistry, is internationally acclaimed for his pioneering work on gas-phase ion-molecule reactions. Professor Riveros made major contributions to understanding reaction mechanisms through mass spectrometry and electronic structure calculations. His prolific research, with over 100 publications, earned him numerous accolades, including the Riveros Reaction named after him and the Grand Cross of the National Order of Scientific Merit. He also served as president of the Brazilian Society for Mass Spectrometry and contributed to the editorial boards of the International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry Reviews. 

The multiple pathways of gas-phase ion/molecule reactions related to nucleophilic aromatic substitution

Guilherme Post Sabin

OpenScience - BRA

Guilherme Post Sabin, PhD, is the founder of OpenScience and an expert in analytical chemistry and chemometrics with over 20 years of experience in industry and academia. He received the Sir Charles Ellis Award as the best global scientist at British American Tobacco. He also serves as a consultant for IICA/MAPA in food safety and leads OpenScience projects in hyperspectral imaging and low-cost technology for competitive intelligence in agribusiness.

Advances in Mass Spectrometry for Non-targeted Analyses: Promoting Food Quality and Safety

Vanessa Gonçalves dos Santos


Vanessa Gonçalves dos Santos is a Federal Inspector at the Federal Laboratory of Animal and Plant Health and Inspection (LFDA) in Campinas, São Paulo, one of the six official laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (MAPA). She holds a degree in Chemistry from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), where she also earned a Master’s degree (2011) and a Ph.D. (2016) in Chemistry with a focus on Mass Spectrometry. Vanessa is currently responsible for the laboratory that conducts part of the official analyses required by the national plan for the control of residues and contaminants, with a focus on analysis of growth promoters and other banned substances.

Evaluation of the presence of zearalenone and zeranol residues from bovines subjected to a pharmacological treatment

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Alexandra Sawaya

Alexandra Sawaya


Alexandra C H F Sawaya holds a degree in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of São Paulo, a Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and a PhD in Chemistry from the State University of Campinas; post-doctoral studies in the Department of Plant Biology (UNICAMP) and in plant metabolomics at UMEA, SE. She is currently an assistant professor of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science at UNICAMP. Her main field of expertise is in chromatography and mass spectrometry with studies of bee products, food, medicinal plants and herbal medicines.

Multiple applications of MS-based metabolomics on medicinal plant studies

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Raquel Vieira

Raquel Vieira Santana da Silva

Federal Un. Rio de Janeiro - BRA

PhD in Chemistry from the Fluminense Federal University with a sandwich period at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). She currently works as a researcher at the Chemistry Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She has experience in the areas of analytical chemistry and organic chemistry, with an emphasis on the use of chromatographic techniques and mass spectrometry in the analysis of complex organic mixtures as crude oils, bio-oils and their coproceessing products.

Title of Talk coming soon​

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Elena Stashenko

Elena Stashenko

Santander University – COL

ELENA E. STASHENKO, PhD Chemist in Instrumental Analysis. She is a Laureate Full Professor of the Chemistry Department at Universidad Industrial de Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia), Director of the Laboratory of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (CROM-MASS) and of the Research Center for Biomolecules (CIBIMOL). She has coauthored 11 patents and directed the research work of more than 300 new professionals in Chemistry, at undergraduate and graduate levels, investigations that have been the basis for her publication of over 250 scientific articles. She is a member of the Editorial Committee of several international journals. Member of Colombia’s National Scientific Council, Senior Researcher of the Ministry of Science and Technology, member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, member of the Colombian Association for the Advancement of Science (AvanCiencia), member of the Latin American Chromatography Committee (COLACRO).

Volatile biogenic compounds and emerging contaminants

IBEROMS2024 - Speakers - Alessandra Sussulini

Alessandra Sussulini


Alessandra Sussulini is an Associate Professor in the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Campinas (Unicamp), where she coordinates the Laboratory of Bioanalytics and Integrated Omics Sciences (LaBIOmics). She holds a Ph.D. in Science from Unicamp, with a research internship at the Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine in Göttingen, Germany. She also holds a Master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry and a Bachelor’s and Licentiate degree in Chemistry from Unicamp and has completed postdoctoral fellowships at the Butantan Institute and the Jülich Research Center in Germany. Currently, her main research areas involve the integration of omics sciences based on mass spectrometry (metabolomics, lipidomics, proteomics, and metallomics) to study neuropsychiatric disorders and their treatments. She is the author of over 60 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and editor of a book on metabolomics, published by Springer Nature in 2017. Among her awards, she received the Academic Recognition Award in Human Rights from Unicamp and the Vladimir Herzog Institute in 2023.

Metabolomics in Neuropsychiatry: Advancing Disease Differentiation and Biomarker Discovery

Alexandre Tashima

Federal University of São Paulo – BRA

Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at Escola Paulista de Medicina, Federal University of São Paulo (EPM/UNIFESP). Holds a Bachelor’s degree (2000) and PhD (2007) in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Butantan Institute/ICB-USP (2009), specializing in Proteomics, Peptidomics, and Mass Spectrometry. Additional experience includes Phase Equilibrium Thermodynamics with a focus on biomolecules. Conducted a sandwich PhD at Delft University of Technology (TU-Delft, Netherlands) in Biotechnology Processes and a postdoctoral fellowship in Proteomics at the Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia (IBV, Spain). Current research focuses on fully sequencing proteins and peptides from non-model organisms by combining omics techniques, including mass spectrometry-based proteomics and transcriptomics, as well as developing multiplex methods for quantitative peptidomics.

Using Discovery and Targeted Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics and Peptidomics to Track Mutations and Identify New Bioactive Peptides in Snake Venoms

Eric Verdon

Laboratory of Fougeres – FRA

Prof. Dr. Eric Verdon holds a PhD in Analytical Physico-Chemistry (1991) from the University of Bordeaux and a Master’s in Instrumental Methods of Physico-Chemical Analysis (1987). He has over 30 years of experience as a Government Chemist at Anses, focusing on developing analytical methods for veterinary drug residues in food. Since 2012, he has led the EU Reference Laboratory at Anses-Fougeres, supporting the EC and auditing laboratories worldwide. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles and 500 reports in symposia.

Insights in Ongoing International Veterinary Drug Residue Collaborative Study by means of various HPLC-(LR/HR)-MS(/MS) instrumentations

Alberto Wisniewski

Federal Un. of Sergipe - BRA

Bachelor’s in Chemistry (UFPR, 2001), master’s in Organic Chemistry (UFPR, 2003), PhD in Analytical Chemistry (UFSC, 2009), post-doc (Universidad de Zaragoza, 2014). Professor at UFS since 2010, founded the Petroleum and Energy from Biomass group (PEB). Research focuses on biomass conversion and advanced characterization of bio-oils and crude oils. Winner of Petrobras Technology Award (2009). Member of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Social Director of SBMS, and Secretary of ALAGO (2023-2025). Published 97 articles (h-index 25). Co-founder of Bio Carbon Brazil Ltda.

Bio-oilomics: understanding the chemistry of thermochemical biomass products

IBERO 2024 - Speakers - Renato Zanella

Renato Zanella


PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Dortmund Universität (Germany) in 1994, he joined UFSM in 1994 and has been a Full Professor since 2014. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Pesticide Residue Analysis (LARP) and the Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Research Center (CPCEM) with a focus on residues and contaminants. Member of the CNPq Chemistry Advisory Committee (2020-2023) and the Fapergs Board of Directors (2017-2022). Current President Director of the Science and Technology Support Foundation (FATEC), and member of the BRMASS Scientific Committee since 2018. President of the Red de Analises de La Calidad Ambiental en América Latina (RACAL) and member of the Extended Executive Committee of the International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC) since 2013. Vice-coordinator of the National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT) in Food Analytical Chemistry. CNPq Research Productivity Fellow level 1B, author of more than 210 articles and 17 book chapters, with 4400 citations and h-index 36. Supervisor of 49 master’s and 29 doctoral studies. Associate editor of Food Analytical Methods.

Residues and contaminants in food and biological samples: Recent advances

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